The concept of the rule of law and the arising questions in this regard as well the dissemination of knowledge about the importance of this concept is essential to get acquainted in details with the broad sections of society including the meaning the parts and the main contexts of the expression "rule of law".
It is essential to enforce the rule of law by the respective Government and by the state bodies as well also ensuring the compliance with these rules with its continuous monitoring and the observation of the rules in this regard.
In case of violation of the normative rules giving the duration of the rule of law by the Government or state bodies at all times, the discovery of the fact of the violation, the explanation of the nature of the violation and its interpretation, including deviations from the required practice.
Elaboration of proposals for the change of governmental, local government or state administration practices that are not in accordance with the rule of law and submission of these proposals to the competent governmental and state administration bodies.
In order to achieve the above objectives, the Association may establish committees with the participation of its members or its representatives to develop resolutions and proposals on certain issues, and may also implement individual sub-tasks through these working committees.
In order to achieve the goals of the Association, it publishes its studies, remarks and suggestions both in the trade press and in the media reaching the general public.